Going prepared
tags:: #takingnotes #atomic projects::
When Walkowitz goes to an archive she always comes prepared with essentials like a laptop, charger, external hard drive, and a camera with an extra battery. Going prepared with all the equipment you need will make your time spent there more efficent because you wont have to go looking for something you forgot. She explicitly said this as a lot of people overlook the preparations needed before going somewhere, because they then have to waste their limited time looking for equipment like a camera that they can borrow. The extra hard drive is a phenominal idea because anything can happen to the laptop that is unexpected like spilling water on it that can damage the components and even the storage itself. Having an independent backup is always a good idea for any data.
Citational Information¶
Walkowitz, J. n.d. On Taking Notes | Perspectives on History | AHA. Perspectives On History. Available at https://www.historians.org/research-and-publications/perspectives-on-history/january-2009/on-taking-notes [Last accessed 28 January 2023].