What you Write
tags:: #takingnotes #atomic projects::
A reoccurring topic in Walkowitz article is the importance of what you write and how you write it. She mentions how she writes notes about secondary writings and how she should look into the relation of the two materials. She also likes to note the significance of documents and how it goes in the sequence to everything else she has read. One of the most important things she does is record details that striker her as surprising or telling, such as missing elements. This is important because what you write facilitates processing what you read. If you are able to write what you read in your own words and make connections to other things you have read, it reinforces what you have learned.
Citational Information¶
Walkowitz, J. n.d. On Taking Notes | Perspectives on History | AHA. Perspectives On History. Available at https://www.historians.org/research-and-publications/perspectives-on-history/january-2009/on-taking-notes [Last accessed 28 January 2023].