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Morse's Inspiration pg.25 27

Title:@standageVictorianInternetRemarkable1998 date: 2023-03-01 type: literature project:

tags:: #Morse #people #atomic #Standage #memex2 #telegraph projects:: According to Tom Standage in his book The Victorian Inernet there were many things that led Morse interested in his journey to create the telegraph. Morse originally started as a painter. He was on a journey to Washington to upstart is portait career when he became interested in faster information relay when he got notice of his wife's passing that happened on Feburary 7,1825; the date of her funural a mere day before it happened. Morse wasn't completely new to innovating because he made a scheme for a marble cutting device and a replacement for a water pump. His commitment to the telegraph only came by when on a trip to the Louve he met Dr. Charles Jackson of Boston, who taught Morse about electromagnitism. Morse was unaware of the fact that attemps of creating a telegraph has already failed (Standage, 1998).

I find it ironic that the lack of information travel which he despised for him not knowing of the passing of his wife also kept him from knowing the failure of the other attempts of electric telegraphs, which could have stopped him for trying to create one.

Citational Information

@standageVictorianInternetRemarkable1998 source

While Moorse's personal life is not very relevant to the topic you can learn more about it here! The code he developed can be found under Morse Code.