[!quote|#5fb236] Highlight ‘userfriendly’ interfaces have been built.

Always a good idea to keep the average user in mind when developping websites. You make it to complicated and it restricts the accessibility to others.

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[!quote|#5fb236] Highlight The term ‘simple/basic search’ means a search by any word or phrase from any one bibliographic field of OPAC and ‘advanced/ expert/complex search’ means searching by more than one field of the bibliographic elements of OPAC record.

A good balanced approach to let people who are not great with tech still use it while keeping advanced features for people who can work their way around technology.

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Once OPAC became practical and popular is when they could be advanced to become more accessible and easier for the user to navigate.
Citation: @shivkumarClayTabletsWeb2013 source Related Links: Accessibility with library technologies