Ceasar Cipher
Title: @rathideviTrendsCryptographyStepping2017 date: 2023-02-03 type: literature project:
tags:: #Substitution-cipher #Cipher #atomic projects::
The IEEE brings up the Caesar cipher; it was created in ancient Rome by Julius Caesar and introduced the military to cryptography. It solved the problem of messengers being intercepted by scrambling the message itself. It can only be deciphered by the two parties who created it. SubstitutionCipher.png It wasn't very complicated, as it just switched the numbers around by a predefined amount.
A video tutorial of how to do a Caesar cipher:
Citational Information¶
M. Rathidevi, R. Yaminipriya and S. V. Sudha, "Trends of cryptography stepping from ancient to modern," 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies (IGEHT), Coimbatore, India, 2017, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/IGEHT.2017.8094107.
Related Links¶
You can learn more about what a Substitution Cipher is here.