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@rathideviTrendsCryptographyStepping2017 source

Title:@rathideviTrendsCryptographyStepping2017 date: 2023-02-03 type: reference project:

tags:: #Ciphers #source projects:


M. Rathidevi, R. Yaminipriya and S. V. Sudha, "Trends of cryptography stepping from ancient to modern," 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies (IGEHT), Coimbatore, India, 2017, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/IGEHT.2017.8094107.

Summary & Key Take Aways

In the IEEE article titled Trends of cryptography stepping from ancient to modern(2017), they go through many of the ancient techniques used to encipher messages as well as some modern techniques. The IEEE did this to find data on common data attacks and to inform people on the modern way ciphers are handled.

The first cipher was discovered in Ancient Egypt. One of the most famous ciphers is the Ceasar Cipher. The Spartans also had their own tool called the Syctale tool.