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British Telegraph Monopoly

Title: @headrickSubmarineTelegraphCables2001 date: 2023-03-05 type: literature project:

tags:: #monopoly #telegraph #memex2 #atomic projects::

It is undeniable that the British had a monopoly, especially in the 1890s. cabledominance.png Companies such as the Atlantic Telegraph Company, (also called the Anglo-American Telegraph Company)(page 7), Eastern and Associated Telegraph Companies (page 3), TC&M (page 8).

Hindering Development

"In order to avoid technological innovations that would render their costly investments obsolete, the cable companies restricted the entry of competitors into the market by exclusive concessions or cartels"(Headrick,2001)(page 13)." ^3d4915


Many of these companies used various anticompetitive means to knock out competitions. One of these methods were to use their vast reserves of money to buy out the majority shares of other companies and forcing them to join them, they did this with companies such as the Direct United States Telegraph Company (page 14). The other means was a price war like the one with "PQ", the Anglo-American decreased rates by 84% which PQ a small company could not compete with which brought PQ to the verge of bankruptcy before they caved into their demands to cancel laying some of their cables (page 15)(Headrick,2001).

Citational Information


With their huge monopoly of the telegraph industry, they essentially had the power to control what information goes around. policing media Britians Motivation for Telegraphy American monopoly With this monopoly they would have a huge advantage in war because information is key. Ciphers Hold Power in war