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Title: @gitelmanMediaHistoricalSubjects2006 date: 2023-01-29 type: literature project:

tags:: #atomic projects::

Gitelman explores the idea of Complex vs Complicated with her quote; "Some seem to arrive sui generis, discrete and fully formed, while many, like digital genres, video rentals, and computer keyboards, emerge as complicated engagements among different media (Giteman,2006)." This follows the idea Graham said in his January 11th lecture by going over the idea of emergence. The idea is that a lot of technology seems very complicated when it first emerges, like the keyboard, but overtime it's more of a complex network of parts then a complicated thing to handle.

Citational Information

Gitelman, Lisa. 2006. “Introduction: Media as Historical Subjects,” Always Already New: Media, History, and the Data of Culture (MIT Press) Quote found on page 7.

Emergence of the telegraph