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@dooleyIntroductionRevolutionaryCipher2018 source

Title: @dooleyIntroductionRevolutionaryCipher2018 date: 2023-02-03 type: reference project:

tags:: #Cipher #source projects:


Dooley, J. 2018. History of Cryptography and Cryptanalysis. 2018. Available at [Last accessed 29 January 2023].

Summary & Key Take Aways

In the Introduction to A Revolutionary Cipher(2018), John Dooley goes through the different ways cryptographers cipher and decipher information. To build this, he goes through the many common ways throughout history people have ciphered texts. He does this in order to inform people of how cryptology has made impactful changes in our history. He starts from distinguishing Cryptology which makes no effort to hide the message to Steganography which hides the very existence of it. Furthermore, he also dives into two main ways people try to hide information, like the substitution cipher and the transposition cipher.

Steganography Vs Cryptology Substitution Cipher Transposition Cipher