[!info] - Cite Key: @millerWiresWildernessStory2004 - Link: Miller - 2004 - Wires in the wilderness the story of the Yukon Tel.pdf - Abstract: English, Includes bibliographical references (p. 319-325) and index. - Bibliography: Miller, B. 2004. Wires in the wilderness the story of the Yukon Telegraph. 1st ed. Surrey, B.C: Heritage House Pub. Co. - Tags: #Telegraph, #History, #20th-century, #Social-life-and-customs, #Telegraph-Trail-(B.C.-and-Yukon), #Trails, #Yukon
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Imported on 2023-03-08 7:14 pm¶
Relevant / important¶
[!quote|#a28ae5] Highlight I n 1896, when gold was discovered on RabbitCreek in the Klondike, Canada was just beginning to recover from a deep recession that had caused 10 percent of the country's population to flee to the United States. The Canadian Pacific Railway, built to unite the country and promote settlement of the west, had as yet done little to populate the thousand miles of prairie between Manitoba and the Rocky Mountains. The newly elected Liberal government of Wilfrid Laurier had pledged to work aggressively to fill this void with farmers, and there were other pressing issues that demanded the attention of Ottawa, not least the unsettled relationship between the Dominion government and British Columbia.
Establishing a why they wanted a telegraph. Canada was not doing very well for population as the things they have sunk money into has not been doing well such as the railroad. They needed a new way to expand the population.
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[!quote|#a28ae5] Highlight its rich resources danglinglike a tempting lollipop on a longstick, vulnerable to the economic, if not political, domination of the colossus to the south. An anxious federal government was concerned that this gem of the west not be seduced into drifting away from Confederation
Want to make it distinctively Canadian, they do not want the Americans to take it. They want a sense of patriotism.
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[!quote|#a28ae5] Highlight Perhaps because of this prediction, the government began to assert its sovereignty over the region, though it was a slow process.
I think this is going to be similar to what the British did to hold onto their colonies, making telegraph lines so they can have a tighter hold on what is going on and an easy way to dictate what they think should be happening. If Canada can create this telegraph line then the dangerouse journey from Yukon to Ottawa would not have to be done for communications.
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[!quote|#a28ae5] Highlight Although they did not admit it publicly, the Liberals realized early on that the line was not likely to be profitable as a commercial enterprise. Its raison d'etre was to provide an essential public service for the police and other government officials, and for the people of the Yukon
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[!quote|#5fb236] Highlight The entire journey took four weeks; longer in winter when the frozen river was traversed by dogsled, a most uncomfortable and dangerous mode of transportation. During periods when the river was freezing or breaking up, travel was impossibl
Again, more motivation. The path is very dangerous and even completely cut off during certain parts.
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[!quote|#5fb236] Highlight When the magnitude of the stampede became known, the Dominion government recognized that it must expand its control over the Yukon without delay
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[!quote|#5fb236] Highlight The border with Alaska was still in dispute, and it was feared that the three companies of army soldiers stationed in Alaska, some as close as Circle City, might advance American claims in the Yukon
A political motivation, Americans with the thirst for conquest.
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[!quote|#5fb236] Highlight a more efficient method of communication between Ottawa and its officers. The unreliable, slow mail system via Skagway and the Yukon River was unacceptable
The Emergence of what needs to be done
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Interesting but not relevant¶
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