Human Knowledge

This multiple identity recurs for human users in many technological systems. In the specific case of the Amazon Echo, the user has purchased a consumer device for which they receive a set of convenient affordances. But they are also a resource, as their voice commands are collected, analyzed and retained for the purposes of building an ever-larger corpus of human voices and instructions. And they provide labor, as they continually perform the valuable service of contributing feedback mechanisms regarding the accuracy, usefulness, and overall quality of Alexa’s replies. They are, in essence, helping to train the neural networks within Amazon’s infrastructural stack.1

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- broader terms (BT): being anonymous on the internet - narrower terms (NT):
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@crawfordAnatomyAI source

Since humans are so unique compared to one another we cannot classify them under the same umbrella, this is a good thing for the AI because it has a wider variety of test data to improve itself. This is partly the reason why data on what we do is so valuable to companies, so that they can perfect these AI models to help reduce costs and increase profits. The downside is we are essentially giving away this data for free, Amazon is analyzing everything I do so they can make more profits.